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Considered a `taboo` by many, dealing with a very sensitive topic like erectile dysfunction can be problematic for many men, even when they are talking privately with their doctor. Even though millions of people experience it across the globe, few men reach out to solve this unnerving problem. They may not know the cause of their problem, and they are far from certain about what treatment might be effective for them.

A common problem among men, erectile dysfunction (ED) is defined as the consistent inability to achieve or maintain a satisfactory erection. With its prevalence scaling with age and age-related health problems, erectile dysfunction (ED) can put a damper on men`s quality of life by causing emotional suffering, shattering self-esteem, and heaping strains on intimate relationships. Most experts agree that for men over 50 years old, erectile dysfunction (ED) is much more likely to be due to physiological problems, such as blood flow issues related to vascular disease, heart disease or diabetes, or simply age-related deterioration of healthy tissue function.

Imagine a treatment that utilizes your own body`s tremendous healing properties to enhance your vigour and help you experience a more fulfilling intimate life. Through extensive research over the past few years, a truly revolutionary treatment has been discovered – the P-Shot®. Named after the Greek god of virility `Priapus`, The P-Shot® has been receiving a lot of media attention recently as a regenerative solution for men suffering from erectile dysfunction (ED) and the results seen thus far have been extremely encouraging to say the least.

The cutting edge science behind the P-Shot® is that it uses platelets- rich plasma (PRP) that concentrates the growth factors in your own blood into a virtually painless, injection. All that is required to obtain a small volume of blood from your arm, and then the platelets are separated from the red and white blood cells through a lab-based spinning process called centrifugation, leaving behind a super-concentrated platelets-rich plasma that is the basis of the P-Shot®.

When injected into an area with dysfunction, the platelets-rich plasma (PRP) encourages the natural healing process to begin. In the form of the P-Shot®, experts inject the platelets-rich plasma (PRP) directly into the male reproductive organ using a tiny needle to induce tissue regeneration and the formation of new vascular networks. This results in increased blood flow to the male reproductive organ and stronger, more reliable, and more frequent erections.

If you are experiencing any of the following issues, the P-Shot® is a drug-free, surgery-free treatment that can help you restore your more youthful state and regain your confidence:

  • Decreased sensation and diminished stamina
  • Inability to achieve a satisfactory erection
  • Difficulty maintaining an erection
  • Decrease in size 


The P-Shot® procedure… What to expect?

The P-Shot® is a simple, in-office procedure. Before injecting the platelets-rich plasma, a local anaesthetic cream is applied at the injection site. This ensures your comfort while getting your P-Shot®. The procedure takes about 30 – 45 minutes from start to finish. Immediately afterwards, you are free to return to your daily activities with no downtime. That means you can go back to work, hit the gym, or take your pet for a walk. Because the P-Shot® uses your own blood, there is no chance of an allergic or negative reaction to the materials used in the injection.

Although some men may notice rapid benefits within only 2-3 weeks after having the P-Shot®, it usually takes around two months to enjoy optimal effects as healthy tissues return to the area.

It can be frustrating for any man to lose his potency with the natural aging process, as declining erections may prevent him from enjoying the intimacy he has always enjoyed. As a type of effective regenerative treatment,  the P-Shot® harnesses the power of platelets-rich plasma and its rich content of growth factors to stimulate the male reproductive organ`s healing process. With clinically-proven benefits such as improved sensation and pleasure, enhanced quality, and potentially the size, of erections, the P-Shot® has resulted in enhanced intimate performance for thousands of men worldwide. Over the past decade, it has indeed proven to be a game-changer in the field of male enhancement.


Dr. Anis Haddad, MD

Urologist, Andrologist & Sexologist

Men`s Health Expert

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