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SHOCKWAVE THERAPY; Treating the cause of Erectile Dysfunction, not just the symptoms!

Erectile dysfunction (ED) usually affects men at later stages of life, even though younger men sometimes experience it too. With the introduction of Sildinafil tablets; the `blue pill ‘and other oral medications more than a decade ago, a hope for  a better erection came to exist and the frustration that used to associate erectile dysfunction eased considerably. However, time has proven that these treatments don’t offer long-term or radical solutions to the erection problem. The underlying cause of weak erection is not addressed, and having to swallow a tablet in preparation for intimate encounter is just a `quick fix`. Adding to this are the potential side effects of these medications and the considerable list of conditions in which its use is discouraged or even prohibited.



Striving relentlessly to restore men`s ability to get it up on their own, without the need to plan each intimate encounter, science has been leaping forwards gigantically. Low-intensity Extracorporeal Shock Wave Treatment, simply known as shockwave therapy, has emerged lately as a potential long-term solution for erectile dysfunction.

The concept behind shockwave therapy is the utilization of energy from acoustic waves to trigger a process called neovascularization in certain parts of the body, in which new blood vessels develop and this ultimately helps improve blood flow to the region under treatment.

Male erection is a multifaceted mechanism that primarily relies on blood inflow. Upon arousal, penile arteries widen to allow the penile organ to fill with blood and achieve the necessary firmness. A man with problems impeding blood flow to the penile organ may have weaker erections or maybe unable to have erections at all.

Harboring the same methodology, this advanced modality of erectile dysfunction treatment uses noninvasive low-intensity sound waves that pass through penile erectile tissue, clearing plaques out of blood vessels and encouraging the growth of new blood vessels, thus paving the way for an adequate inflow of blood and the restoration of natural erectile function.

During the shockwave therapy sessions, an ultrasound gel is rubbed on the penile organ to help transmitting the shock waves then the treating urologist applies a probe to different areas of the penile organ. Apart from some tingling or tapping sensation in the treated area, the sessions are pain-free, lasting for almost 20 minutes, and there is no need for any anesthesia whatsoever. There are no reported side-effects during or after the treatment and men can resume their routine life activities like work or sports immediately after the treatment session.

The real advantage behind shockwave therapy is that it might possibly reverse the problems that cause the erectile dysfunction in the first place, which has long been perceived as an irreversible health problem, and not only its symptoms – something that most available treatments focus on!



For men who have tried a variety of male potency enhancement treatments without success, or maybe they would prefer to use a scientifically proven, non-invasive and safe alternative to erectile dysfunction medications, shockwave therapy could be the ideal answer to their dilemma.

Written with affection,

Dr. Anis Haddad, MD
Urologist & Men`s Health Expert


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Anis Haddad

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