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How Testosterone Replacement Therapy is transforming many men’s lives

“I`M ENERGETIC AND LIVELY AGAIN”: How Testosterone Replacement Therapy is transforming many men’s lives!

With all of the media attention across the globe about the testosterone hormone and manhood, you’ve probably heard many men inquiring about low testosterone, its symptoms, and what can they do about it.

Testosterone (or the `male hormone`) plays a pivotal role in a man`s physical and emotional well-being. But this vital hormone does more than just control men`s libido and sexual drive; it has a role in regulating various systems throughout the male body. It affects bone and muscle mass, the way fat is stored in the body, memory and cognitive functions, as well as the red blood cells production. Even a man`s mood is influenced by his testosterone level.

Men are liable for a gradual decline in their testosterone levels along with the aging process. But the aging factor is not the only `crook`; endocrine disorders and hormonal problems (especially with abnormally high estrogen levels that can disturb the balance of hormones), obesity, physical and emotional stress, poor sleep habits, sleep apnea, exposure to radiation also can have its toll on testosterone levels. Moreover, various international studies have advocated that excessive alcohol intake and regularly consuming trans-fats from sources like processed foods could decrease testosterone levels.

Testosterone deficiency is common in middle-aged and older men but it`s under-diagnosed and often untreated. Low motivation, decreased stamina and energy, mood swings, low sexual drive, weight gain/difficulty losing weight, hot flushes, disturbed sleep, loss of muscle mass, and weak erectile function are some of the manifest symptoms of low testosterone. As a matter of fact, low testosterone levels can wreak havoc in a man`s body.

This explains why millions of men across the globe are now opting for Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) in an attempt to revitalize their bodies and revive their dwindling libidos.

With benefits clearly recognized; improved mood and cognition, increased libido and sexual function, boosted sense of energy and well-being, increase in lean muscle mass and strength, and reduction of body fat, Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) is recommended for men with deficient blood testosterone levels.


What is Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT)?

In order to fulfill the body’s requirements of testosterone, exogenous testosterone can be supplied to the body to maintain optimum bodily functions. Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is a class of hormone replacement therapy in which body androgens, often testosterone, are replaced. Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is an FDA-approved medical treatment for men of any age who have low testosterone, and is used to optimize hormonal levels that have become imbalanced and improve the symptoms often associated with this condition.

According to Harvard Health, most men experience improvement in symptoms within four to

six weeks of receiving Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT), with changes like increase in

muscle bulk taking from three to six months.

How is Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) prescribed and delivered?

Testosterone can be administered in various ways, depending on the individual health needs of

each man. These include:

Injectable testosterone: Injectable testosterones are the standard and most costeffective treatment option, with a high patient satisfaction rate. These are administered through intramuscular injection. Two forms of testosterone injections exist:

– Those administered every 1-2 weeks are known as short-acting injectable testosterone (e.g. Sustanon)

– Those administered every 2-3 months are known as long-acting injectable testosterone (e.g. Nebido)

❖ Bioidentical Testosterone gel: This involves the application of a clear gel infused with testosterone that is absorbed through the skin. The gel is rubbed onto a dry and clean area of the skin of the abdomen, shoulder or upper arm, preferably after shower, on a daily basis.

❖ Transdermal testosterone patches: Testosterone patches that adhere to the skin can be suitable for long-term Testosterone Replacement Therapy. Usually, a single patch is applied daily. The medication is then absorbed through the skin and enters the bloodstream to normalize your testosterone levels. The patch can be applied to the abdomen, upper arm or thigh.

❖ Testosterone implants (Pellets): Through a simple procedure that takes only a few minutes in the clinic, testosterone implants (pellets) can be placed under the skin of your abdomen, upper arm, or the buttocks. Local anesthesia is used to numb the skin, and a tiny incision is made to place the pellets under your skin. They dissolve slowly and release their testosterone content over the course of three to six months.

❖ Oral testosterone: When it comes to deciding on the most suitable form of Testosterone Replacement Therapy, oral route is the least popular. This is because the liver metabolizes the majority of the testosterone.

There are many positive benefits of Testosterone Replacement Therapy that can enhance the overall quality of life for those with low testosterone levels. Your trusted Men`s Health expert doctor will be of great help in guiding you to make informed choices on the best form of Testosterone Replacement Therapy based on your individual health needs. Across the world, a drop in men’s vitality and well-being is brushed under the carpet as an inevitable element of ageing. However, men don’t have to accept the loss of their liveliness. Surely, they can do something about it!

Dr. Anis Haddad, MD

Urologist, Andrologist & Sexologist

Men`s Health Expert

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