Which Testosterone Injections to choose?
Across the globe, millions of men suffer from the symptoms of low testosterone each year. This represents a nerve-wrecking health problem that many men experience, but few choose to treat. Chances are you stumbled upon this piece of writing because you’re concerned about having low testosterone (Low T) and interested in knowing more about the most effective therapeutic option available for men nowadays; Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT).
As a consensus, we know that testosterone is the hormone responsible for making males “men.” Produced inside the testicles, testosterone is responsible for the main male characteristics, such as the typical male muscular frame and strength, hair distribution, and the voice pitch. Moreover, many people know that testosterone is important for a man’s sexual drive. Yet, testosterone has other important functions throughout the body, some of which are not so obvious: it plays a fundamental role in mood-boosting, keeping the well being, and helping men mentally perform at their best. When testosterone levels drop, the experience comes with quite a few distressing symptoms that can markedly impair a man’s quality of life such as decreased sexual drive, weak erection, depression, tiredness and lack of strength, problems concentrating, irritability, sleep problems, loss of interest in physical activity and feeling generally `beaten`.
You’re probably reading the above symptoms and thinking “I may have low testosterone because I have some of these symptoms!” Though low testosterone can cause these symptoms, many other conditions could be the cause. You therefore cannot assume a man with some of these symptoms has low testosterone for certain. If you suspect that you might have low testosterone, discuss the matter with your trusted male health expert who can order the appropriate lab tests to measure your testosterone level.
If it turns out that you are low on testosterone, you`re likely keen on treating this problem and getting your body back on track. Low testosterone is a condition that no man would enjoy going through, but it’s important to know that there are options, and you might have heard of Testosterone Replacement Therapy and its globally recognized type; testosterone injections.
Worldwide, testosterone intramuscular injections are virtually the most popular way to treat low testosterone and the symptoms that come along with it. It can help men stay performing at their peak, mentally, physically, and indeed, sexually. The main reason behind the wide use of testosterone injections and its preference over other forms of testosterone treatment is that it`s most effective. With testosterone being injected directly into your body and bloodstream, you will feel the benefits faster and you will also feel them stronger. Other options, such as bioidentical testosterone gels that gain popularity from being pain-free and simple to apply, usually take time to generate effects which are also not as prominent as with an injection. In addition, injectable testosterone treatments allow for a greater control over your testosterone dosage which can be properly adjusted to help you achieve optimum testosterone levels, one important last point about choosing your TRT, is where we live, and which Testosterone is available in the market.
As most of our patients live in United Arab Emirates, we will detail more about the available options here (TRT in UAE) in general & (TRT in Dubai) in particular, the available Testosterone injections here are either a short-acting testosterone (e.g. Sustanon®) or a long-acting testosterone (e.g. Nebido®).
Sustanon® is an oil-based injectable that contains four different testosterone esters which release testosterone into the body at a differing rate, thus allowing a steady blood level to be sustained. Injections are usually carried out every 7-14 days into the butt muscles where the testosterone is gradually released into the bloodstream. Sustanon® dose is 250 mg while the frequency of injection will depend on the severity of your testosterone deficiency, the need, and the presenting symptoms among other factors. No man is like other, our needs vary, so the interval between the injections is usually determined by your attending male health expert after a clear discussion with you to decide on the appropriate therapeutic regimen taking in consideration the above mentioned elements.
The longer-acting Nebido® needs to be administered every 9-12 weeks ( sometimes shorter than this) allowing the testosterone to be gradually released over a period of time. This means that an evenly distributed effect can be better sustained. With properly-administered Nebido® injections, deeply intra-muscular, you will only have to receive a fewer number of injections throughout the course of treatment. This timeframe makes it a highly desirable treatment and the reason that some men favor Nebido® injections as an ideal solution for their low testosterone, the dosage is 1000mg, while the interval varies according to the patient’s need.
Many men will choose both, means they may start with the short acting testosterone (The Sustanon®) to feel the boost the earliest, then after reaching the peak or the expected desired level, they shift to the long acting one ( The Nebido®) to reduce the injections frequency.
Knowing this, most probably you’ve made your choice of Testosterone Replacement Therapy, and you`re now considering the next move towards getting your “manhood” back. The truth is, Testosterone Replacement Therapy is a big decision in a man’s life, and it isn’t one-size-fits-all!
Ultimately, it’s not so much a question of testosterone injections versus other forms of Testosterone Replacement Therapy, or short-acting versus longer-acting testosterone injections. The real question is: Which solution is the most suitable for you? The answer depends on your body`s unique health needs, and this will be the core of discussion for you and your trusted male health expert.
Dr. Anis Haddad, MD
Urologist, Andrologist & Sexologist
Male Health Expert
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